About Me
Hello! I'm Evan Wong, a computer science graduate from Dickinson College. I specialize in software/data engineering and fullstack web development.
I grew up playing lots of video games. Fascinated by the complexity of how a singular machine was capable of displaying so much information on a screen, I was hooked. Throughout my journey, I've worked with many things computer science related. I went from exploring and editing ROBLOX Lua scripts to learning Python, Java, as well as IT work at Hackley School where I automated the enrollment process of over 400 chromebooks for students using Arduinos. From Microsoft Azure, Active Directory, all the way till now, I've picked up several more languages and skills as well as the love for data engineering through my most recent project.
In July of 2023, I began to work on a research project with Professor Xiaolu Wang at Dickinson College. The project focused on analyzing Chinese pop song lyrics, which carry a large amount of sentiment data. We webscraped, cleaned, and prepared over 300,000 song lyrics for analysis. With this data, I began the development of a web app that would allow users to visualize our data using various different filters and graph types. With the world of technology growing endlessly, I could not have chosen a better field to be in. I am excited to see what the future holds for me.
When I'm not sitting 8 hours a day at my computer, I do occasionally step out onto some grass, enjoy some rock climbing, tennis, soccer, or hiking. I am also occasionally gaming, and building/modifying keyboards. I'm always open to new ideas and opportunies, so don't be shy to reach out!